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experts to deliver Page 1 organic
results for your business.

What is search engine optimization(SEO)

Get More Traffic and Improve Your Business Ranking !

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is one of the best tools that companies have in terms of gaining visibility online because it allows them to bring in more visitors through free, organic search results. The major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo rank websites based on specific parameters they deem most important and they do so at no cost to the website owners. In optimizing your website and increasing your ranking in search engines results, you will gain more visibility and will, in turn, see an increase in visitor traffic to your website.

Way of Digital offers a range of SEO services that improve web pages' visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). Our unique SEO techniques help in ranking your website on the very first page of search engines with the keywords or specific search terms. It allows businesses to appear on their organic or natural listings. Our SEO and digital marketing experts will not only generate traffic to your website but convert your visitors into paying customers.

In short, Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is a process used by search engines to show the most relevant content available for that particular search searched by the user.

Any Search engine would show the content to its users by the relevance of their search. When a user types any keyword in the engine’s search bar, the search engine uses its bots through its algorithm to show the best and relevant content to its users at the top and others respectively.



Keyword / Key Phrase

A word or phrase that a user enters in search. Each web page should be optimized with the goal of drawing in visitors who have searched for specific keywords.

Keyword / Key Phrase

A word or phrase that a user enters in search. Each web page should be optimized with the goal of drawing in visitors who have searched for specific keywords.


Every person (set of eyeballs) who has visited your website in 30 days. If they came to your site twice, they would be counted twice.they would be counted twice.


Every person (set of eyeballs) who has visited your website in 30 days. If they came to your site twice, they would be counted twice.they would be counted twice.

Search Engine Page Rankings

Your website's ranking on search engine. I.e. Page one, number one is a high ranking. Your website on page 5 is useless.

Search Engine Page Rankings

Your website's ranking on search engine. I.e. Page one, number one is a high ranking. Your website on page 5 is useless.

Search Engine Algorithm

An algorithm is a formula used by the search engine to determine what category to put your website in, with regards to search results

Search Engine Algorithm

An algorithm is a formula used by the search engine to determine what category to put your website in, with regards to search results

Stats and Analytics

Where do your visitors come from? What search term did they use to find you? How long do they stay?

Stats and Analytics

Where do your visitors come from? What search term did they use to find you? How long do they stay?

Page Views

How many pages people are looking at. A big number could mean your website is very interesting or that the viewer is getting lost and can’t find

Page Views

How many pages people are looking at. A big number could mean your website is very interesting or that the viewer is getting lost and can’t find

Bounce Rate

Someone who comes to your home page and leaves without digging into another sub-page is a “bounce.” Think of it as, “Oh, this isn’t what

Bounce Rate

Someone who comes to your home page and leaves without digging into another sub-page is a “bounce.” Think of it as, “Oh, this isn’t what

Robots and Spiders

Little programs who come and see what’s on your website and read our SEO work. They take data and report back to the big algorithm program.

Robots and Spiders

Little programs who come and see what’s on your website and read our SEO work. They take data and report back to the big algorithm program.

Traffic Source

Where did your website visitors come from? Search engine, links from other websites or direct type in your domain name?

Traffic Source

Where did your website visitors come from? Search engine, links from other websites or direct type in your domain name?


How many visitors actually did something? This is where you measure your return on investment (ROI).


How many visitors actually did something? This is where you measure your return on investment (ROI).

SEO Compatibility Checks

The SEO compatibility checklist covers the most important things you should do from an SEO perspective when you’re starting a new site. This list is comprehensive and covers most of the actionable steps needed for SEO techniques.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics & Webmasters Installation

Google Analytics

Domain Name & URL Structure

Google Analytics

Internal, External & Broken Links

Google Analytics

Mobile Optimization

Google Analytics

Image & Video Optimization

Google Analytics

Duplicate Content Check

Google Analytics

Cross Browser Compatibility

Google Analytics

W3C Validations Checks

Google Analytics

Website Page Load Time

Google Analytics

Meta Tags, Description, Title & Keywords

Google Analytics

Structured Data MarkUp

Google Analytics

Social MarkUp

Google Analytics

XML Sitemap & Robot Txt Files

Google Analytics

Google Algorithm Updates

Google Analytics

Site Reputation & Reviews Checks


Website Optimization & Analysis

The SEO audit process begins with an overall analysis of your website to assess what action is needed to best optimize it for search engines. Based on this analysis, Way Of Digital offers recommendations for improving your website to boost your overall search engine rankings.
These recommendations may include, but are not limited to, duplicate content, broken links, dangling links, similar title tags, duplicate meta descriptions, web copy editing, HTML validation, browser and resolution compatibility, page loading times, search engine rankings, site statistics, and error pages. All of this is included in both our off and on page SEO audit.
The SEO audit project duration is approximately one week. During this time, Way of Digital will completely analyze and assess your website with our SEO audit services to determine the best strategy for you moving forward, and provide advice on what to change so that your site performs better in organic search rankings. Afterward, we'll show you our SEO audit report so you can see areas of potential improvement in detail.

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